Currently operating the Montezuma Antimony Project
and Projects in the New England Fold Belt
With a Project selection criteria of:
1. 100% ownership
3. Under drilled and/or open ended mineralisation
4. Demonstrated potential for large high grade mineral occurrences
- Webbs Consol Silver – High grade Silver, Lead, Zinc bearing lodes – Excellent drill results
- Uralla Gold – Intrusive Related Gold System (IRGS) constituting a significant gold field – Solid early drill results
- Trough Gully (Fender) Base Metals– High grade Zn, Cu (Au) VMS style copper deposit – Solid early drill results
- Sandon – Newly added Bundarra Copper Project and Abington Base Metal Project explorations targets
- Thor – Large gold anomaly potentially associated with high level intrusions or major regional fault structures
- Tea Tree – Underexplored goldfield

Near production, high-grade Antimony & Silver
Near Production
- Location: Tasmania’s West Coast mining province
- Infrastructure: Significant exisiting infrastructure with access via the Zeehan township located 14km to the west.
- History: Well known Tasmanian mining centres surround Montezuma Antimony Project including Rosebury (Zn, Pb, Cu), Renison Bell (Sn), Henty (Au), Zeehan (Pb, Ag, Sn) and Mt Lyell (Cu).
- Host Geology: Strong shearing and open space fracturing along the Montezuma Fault
- Development of portal box cut and commencement of exploration drive has produced stockpiled mineralisation:
- Representative sampling of mined combined mineralisation / waste averaged 4.75% antimony (Sb) and 239 g/t silver (Ag)
- Representative sampling of mined mineralisation averaged 9.02% antimony (Sb) and 769 g/t silver (Ag)
Advanced metallurgical test work:
- Metallurgical test work is well advanced with 90% recoveries of antimony achieved producing a saleable antimony product
- Off-take and R&D funding discussions are ongoing with local and international institutions including those representing major western governments
Mining & Infrastructure:
- Equipment acquired includes underground loader, excavator, bucket crusher, blast hole drilling equipment, hoppers, pumps, diamond drill rig, etc. This will provide Lode with material operational flexibility and a capital efficient pathway to progressing Montezuma
- Beneficiation infrastructure acquired includes grid power, crusher ball mill, full raw water supply dam and a recently constructed tailings dam
Exploration upside:
- The deepest drill hole to date, MZP245A, by Electrolytic Zinc Company (EZ) in 1983, after being resampled revealed a 0.63m mineralized intercept grading 11.58% Sb, 683 g/t Ag, and 25.64% Pb, demonstrating the potential continuity of mineralization at depth
- Given that mineralised lode thickness pinches and swells along strike at surface, it is also likely that this also occurs at depth, thus forming plunging shoots within the Montezuma lode structure

Webbs Consol
Multiple High-Grade Silver Lodes
- Location: 16km west-south-west of Emmaville.
- Area: 203 km2
- History: Discovered in 1890, intermittent mining activity until mid-1950s.
- Host Geology: Webbs Consol Leucogranite intrude Late Permian Emmaville Volcanics and Early Permian sediments.
- Deposit Style: High-grade Silver/Lead/Zinc lodes hosted in Webbs Consol Leucogranite.
- Processing: Very high recoveries in initial bulk flotation test
LDR Exploration:
- Extensive geophysical surveys – Gravity, Drone Magnetics, Downhole EM (DHEM), LiDAR, Loupe TEM, CSIRO study
- Extensive mapping and geochemical sampling
- Detailed lithological and structural interpretations
- Several Silver/Lead/Zinc lodes discovered to date
- Drilling achieving multiple thick high-grade Silver/Lead/Zinc intercepts including:
- WCS052A: 149.2m @ 627 g/t AgEq from 98.0m
- WCS045: 116.1m @ 1,003 g/t AgEq from 90.9m
- WCS050: 65.8m @ 904 g/t AgEq from 104.4m
- WCS047: 24.5m @ 1,450 g/t AgEq from 144.7m
A Significant Goldfield
Drill ready
- Location: 8km west of Uralla
- Area: 302 km2
- History: One of the earlier goldfields discovered in NSW and a significant gold producer in the 1850’s.
- Host Geology: Uralla Granodiorite and other granites intrude the Sandon Beds and Wandsworth Volcanics.
- Deposit Style: Composes characteristics of a substantial Intrusive Related Gold system (IRGS).
- Drone Magnetics, Induced Polarisation
- Extensive mapping and geochemical sampling
- Detailed lithological and structural interpretations
- Disseminated gold mineralisation discovered through methodical field work
- Broad shallow disseminated gold intercepts in Phase I drilling at the Hudson’s Prospect including:
- KTN010: 15m @ 2.09g/t Au from 12m
- incl. 7m @ 3.65g/t Au from 15m
- incl. 4m @ 4.18g/t Au from 15m
- KTN007: 14m @ 1.24g/t Au from 68m
- incl. 2m @ 2.04g/t Au from 9m
- and 3m @ 2.21g/t Au from 77m
- KTN005: 10m @ 1.32g/t Au from 68m
- incl. 5m @ 2.49g/t Au from 9m

VMS Style Copper Mineralisation
- Location: 30km west of Uralla.
- Area: 223 km2
- History: Surface exploration carried out by several companies since the 1960s.
- Host Geology: Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Myra and Sandon Beds, inter-fingered with Permian basalt, jasper and chert.
- Deposit Style: Volcanic Massive Sulphide (VMS) occurrences have been recorded over 30km strike length.
- Metallurgy: Very high recoveries in initial bulk flotation test.
- Stream/soil sampling, surface mapping, IP and magnetics
- Significant copper values in stream sampling over two large areas (Kasey 7km x 3km, Fold 4km x 2km). Coincides with distinct large magnetic ridges and adjacent to Spring Creek fault
- Significant copper and zinc mineralisation plus gold and silver credits in initial drilling at Trough Gully Copper Mine including:
- TGY007: 7.30m @ 9.47% ZnEq from 92.1m
- (4.93% Zn, 1.37% Cu, 0.36 g/t Au & 10.1 g/t Ag)
- TGY003: 6.90m @ 9.21% ZnEq from 50.9m
- (4.49% Zn, 1.30% Cu, 0.50g/t Au & 17.4g/t Ag)
Two Significant Targets
- Location: 5km south and 20km southeast of Bundarra.
- Area: 758 km2
- History: Surface exploration carried out by several companies since the 1970’s and some minor drilling.
- Host Geology: Carboniferous Myra and Sandon Bes, inter-fingered by Permian basalt, jasper and chert.
- Deposit Style: Volcanic Massive Sulphide (VMS)
- Bundarra Copper and Abington Base Metals are two prominent explorations targets
- Stream/soil, surface mapping, gravity and magnetics
- Extensive historic surface work means minimal preliminary work needed for drill target definition